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Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Methods Of Treatment Of Uterine Fibroids

Observe or treat? If small (no more than 2-2.5 cm) nodes discovered by accident during the ultrasound and did not make themselves known, you can temporarily do without treatment and observe the behavior of nodes.

At the same time ultrasound should be performed at least once a year. If the nodes are growing, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately and not wait for their further increase, even if asymptomatic.

However, there is another option: assign medication immediately. Modern hormonal contraceptives successfully inhibit the growth of small fibroids; the size of which does not exceed 2-2.5 cm alternative to oral contraceptives may be hormonal intrauterine system.

This is a common intrauterine device, but it contains a container with a hormone which in small doses is gradually released into the uterine cavity within 5-6 years.

Methods of treatment of uterine fibroids - Uterine fibroids can be reduced in size to stabilize and remove.

Reduce fibroids are two types of treatment: medication therapy and uterine artery embolization (UAE). But disappear altogether node cannot, everyone has a limit.

The general rule is amenable to large nodes "reduction" worse. They tend to be a high proportion of connective tissue, is not amenable to regression (regress).

There is an analogy with an apple, which is converted to dried fruit: apple more than, the more will come of it dried fruit, juicier than it was, the more it will decrease during drying.

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